Not recommended for total knee arthroplasty


not recommended

·         Systemic analgesia:

       Alpha-2-delta subunit ligands (gabapentinoids) (Grade D), due to a lack of procedure-specific evidence

       Conventional NSAIDs (Grade B) because of limited procedure-specific evidence and increased risk of bleeding

       Corticosteroids (Grade D) due to a lack of procedure-specific evidence (may be used for reasons other than postoperative analgesia)

       NMDA antagonists

o        Dextromethorphan (Grade D) due to inconsistent evidence of analgesic effects

o        Ketamine (Grade D) because of limited procedure-specific evidence

       Strong opioids (Grade D) due to a lack of evidence for analgesic benefit over postoperative administration

·         Peripheral nerve blocks:

       Combination femoral and obturator block (Grade D) because of limited procedure-specific evidence

       Combination femoral and sciatic nerve block (Grade D) because of limited and inconsistent procedure-specific evidence

       Lumbar plexus block (posterior approach) (Grade D), as femoral nerve block is equally effective and is associated with fewer complications

       Alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonists (clonidine, epinephrine), as part of the LA solution in peripheral nerve blocks (Grade A) due to a lack of efficacy in procedure-specific studies

·         Epidural:

       LA and/or opioid (Grade B) due to an increased risk of adverse events and no improvement in analgesia compared with femoral nerve block

       Ketamine (as adjuvant to epidural) (Grade B) due to side-effects and inconclusive analgesic efficacy

       Tramadol (as adjuvant to epidural) (Grade B) because of insufficient analgesia

·         Spinal:

       Neostigmine (Grade D) because of side-effects and limited procedure-specific evidence

       Clonidine (Grade D) because of limited and inconsistent procedure-specific evidence

·         Intra-articular techniques (Grade D) because of inconsistent evidence

·         Physical therapy (Grade D) based on postoperative analgesic effects alone


not recommended

·         Systemic analgesia:

       NMDA antagonists

o        Dextromethorphan (Grade D) because of inconsistent analgesia

o        Ketamine (Grade D) due to limited procedure-specific evidence

       Weak opioids (Grade D) due to lack of evidence for analgesic benefit over postoperative administration

·         Peripheral nerve blocks administered intra-operatively (Grade D)

·         GA or spinal anaesthesia without any local or regional analgesic technique (Grade D)

·         Epidural anaesthesia (Grade D) because postoperative epidural analgesia is not recommended

·         Intra-articular techniques (Grade D) because of inconsistent analgesia

·         Drains (Grade A) due to lack of analgesic and other recovery benefits


not recommended

·         Systemic analgesia:

       Alpha-2-delta subunit ligands (gabapentinoids) (Grade D) due to lack of procedure-specific evidence

       Clonidine (Grade D) because of limited procedure-specific evidence

       IV ketamine infusion (Grade D) because of limited procedure-specific evidence

       IM administration of strong opioids (Grade B) due to unfavourable pharmacokinetics, injection-associated pain and patient dissatisfaction

       Weak opioids for high intensity pain (Grade D) due to insufficient analgesic efficacy

       Paracetamol alone for high intensity pain (Grade D) due to insufficient analgesic efficacy

·         Peripheral nerve blocks:

       Combination femoral and obturator block (Grade D) because of limited procedure-specific evidence

       Combination femoral and sciatic nerve block (Grade D) because of limited and inconsistent procedure-specific evidence

       Lumbar plexus block (posterior approach) (Grade D), as femoral nerve block is equally effective and is associated with fewer complications

       Alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonists (clonidine, epinephrine), as part of the LA solution in peripheral nerve blocks (Grade A) due to a lack of efficacy

·         Epidural:

       LA and/or opioid (Grade B) due to an increased risk of adverse events and no improvement in analgesia compared with femoral nerve block

       Ketamine (as adjuvant to epidural) (Grade B) due to side-effects and inconsistent analgesic efficacy

       Tramadol (as adjuvant to epidural) (Grade B) because of insufficient analgesia

·         Intra-articular techniques (Grade D) because of inconsistent analgesia

·         TENS (Grade B) due to limited procedure-specific evidence suggesting a lack of benefit