Table 4: Closed versus open haemorrhoidectomy

Table 4: Closed versus open haemorrhoidectomy



n treatment/ control

Supplemental analgesia

Pain scores and type if specified

Use of supplemental analgesia

Other pain outcome

Functional outcomes

Other outcomes, including long-term effects

(Arbman 2000)

LoE 1

Open (Milligan-Morgan) versus closed (Ferguson) haemorrhoidectomy


All patients were treated with injections of opioids or ketorolac for pain, then oral medication with paracetamol + dextropropoxyphene. On day 1, bulk laxatives were administered 3 x per day, and patients had access to LA ointment

NS VAS scores on day 1, on first day at home, and on first day at work

NS postop analgesic consumption (opioids, ketorolac, and paracetamol + dextropropoxyphene)

NS % of patients with pain at 3 and 6 weeks, and > 1 year postop

% of patients with completely healed wounds: closed superior at 3 weeks (p<0.001, n=38/37), but NS at 6 weeks.

% patients soiling: closed superior at 3 weeks (p=0.001, n=38/37), but NS at 6 weeks and >1 year.

% of patients with evacuation problems at 3 and 6 weeks, and >1 year:


% patients with pruritus: closed superior at 6 weeks (p=0.001, n=33/32), NS at 3 weeks and >1 year

Incidence of urinary retention:


% of patients with postop bleeding:

NS at 3 and 6 weeks, and >1 year

% of patients with incontinence:

NS at 3 and 6 weeks, and >1 year

Length of hospital stay:


Number of days off work:


(Arroyo 2004)

LoE 1

Open (Milligan-Morgan) versus closed (Ferguson) haemorrhoidectomy


LA ointment and regular oral analgesia for the first week (metanizol 575 mg every 8 h alternating with oral ketorolac 10 mg every 8 h)

Pain scores during bowel movement: closed superior (p<0.05), NS during the first 3 days and at 1 week

Not reported

NS anal pain at 1 month

% of patients with completely healed wounds at 1 month: closed superior (p<0.05)

Urinary retention:


Rate of incontinence:




(Ho 1997b)

LoE 1

Open versus closed haemorrhoidectomy


Oral ketoprofen on demand (100 mg tablets) or IM pethidine (1 mg/kg)

NS pain scores during first 24 h, maximum postop pain score, pain score at first bowel movement

NS number of ketoprofen tablets required, NS pethidine requirements

Not reported

Time to first bowel movement: open superior (p<0.001)

Time to completely healed wounds: open superior (p<0.05)

Number of patients with complications (bleeding and faecal impaction):


Length of hospital stay:



(Johannsson 2006) LoE 1

Open (Milligan-Morgan) versus closed (Ferguson) haemorrhoidectomy


Rectal diclofenac 100 mg at end of surgery then 50 mg 3 times daily, paracetamol 1 g, 4 times daily for up to 2 weeks, plus metronidazole 400 mg 3 times daily

VAS pain scores: closed superior (p=0.041) on day 13, NS days 0–12

Not reported

Not reported

Incontinence scores at 1 year: 

closed superior (p=0.035)

Completely healed wounds at 1 month:


% patients reporting results of surgery as good or excellent at 1 year: 

closed superior (p=0.047)

Total number of complications (including urinary retention, bleeding and infection):


Length of hospital stay:


Length of sick leave:


(Pescatori 2000)

LoE 1

Open (Milligan Morgan) versus closed (Ferguson) haemorrhoidectomy


Spinal anaesthesia wih bupivacaine in all patients but 2, who had LA

NS VAS pain scores at 24 h.

NS VAS in patients undergoing LIS

Not reported

LIS had no effect on the incidence of early postop pain

Faecal impaction:


Incidence of non-healing wound:


LIS had no effect on the incidence of anal stricture requiring dilation, or faecal incontinence

Severe bleeding:


Urinary retention:



(You 2005) LoE 1

Open (Milligan-Morgan) versus closed (Ferguson) haemorrhoidectomy


Pethidine injections given immediately postop, oral oxycodone/paracetamol given on demand, plus oral metronidazole

VAS pain scores at recovery from anaesthesia: closed superior (p<0.05). Pain scores at first bowel movement: closed superior (p<0.01)

% of patients requiring additional oxycodone at recovery: closed superior (p<0.01). Total consumption of oxycodone tablets in first week: closed superior (p<0.01)

Not reported

% of patients with completely healed wounds: closed superior (p<0.001) at 3 weeks, NS at 2 weeks

Urinary retention:


Early bleeding:


Duration of hospital stay: